Summer of SAHM

(for those not in the know, SAHM is an acronym commonly used online for the phrase Stay At Home Mom)

So my mom and dad are out of town for the next week and a half, visiting my brother and his family down in the Land of The Snowbirds.  This leaves me with sole responsibility for the care and feeding of my daughter, plus their dog and our cats (and my husband, I suppose, although he’s a big boy and even makes his own lunch these days).  Given that I had been tending Jade on my own for the first nineteen months of her life, and playing house with Hubs since we moved in together WAY back in 2005, I thought, “No problem, guys! I got this.”

Clearly, I have lost my edge, and having another grown-up to help me run the household for the last couple months has made me totally soft.  I was in tears this afternoon, frustrated and exhausted and SO tired of having nobody to share a coherent thought with.  Even if that thought was only about the ridiculousness of Kim Kardashian’s divorce and how even NPR can’t seem to pull themselves away from that black hole of sensationalism.

I was thinking about how the heck I must have made it through the days back in Virginia, and I realized just how much of it had to do with the addition of the dog.  Although he is a big old loveable galoot, he really is just a second toddler, albeit with fewer words and a total lack of table manners.  Also, this house is a lot bigger than the old apartment, and housekeeping just takes more time.  Still, by the end of the afternoon I found myself relaxing a little more and beginning to find my stride again.

Just thought I’d throw a plug in here for my friend Tonya’s blog.  She’s doing NaBloPoMo, too, on top of all the amazing work she does as a knitting teacher, designer, and mom to two adorable little guys.

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